We rely on your contributions to support our education and research work. Demand Progress Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization, and your contribution is tax deductible.
To donate to Demand Progress Education Fund, Inc., please use the form on the right. It accepts credit cards, Venmo, PayPal, and has support for Donor Advised Funds.
If you are a foundation or donor advised fund and wish to connect with our development team, please contact [email protected].
Our EIN is 87-1987049.
If you wish to donate by postal mail, please follow the following instructions:
Send a letter identifying the donor, any contact information you would like to provide, and any other details appropriate for us to acknowledge your gift.
Please make the check payable to Demand Progress Education Fund, Inc.
Send the donation to:
Demand Progress Education Fund, Inc.
30 Ritchie Ave.
Silver Spring, MD 20910-5110