We will discuss the controversial surveillance law known as Section 702, how such surveillance is affecting businesses with users in the European Union, and the recent decision striking down the data transfer agreement known as Privacy Shield. As you may know, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) struck down Privacy Shield after concluding US intelligence laws do not adequately protect prviacy. Section 702, meanwhile, is slated to sunset in 2023. A recent CRS report about the above is available here, and more details are below. This panel is hosted by the Fourth Amendment Advisory Committee and Restore the Fourth.
Panelists include:
- Ashley Gorski, Senior Staff Attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union (@ashgorski)
- Alex Marthews, National Chair of Restore The Fourth (@rebelcinder)
- Lauren Sarkesian, Senior Counsel at the Open Technology Institute (@SarkBites)
- Calli Schroeder, Global Privacy Counsel at the Electronic Privacy Information Center (@Iwillleavenow)